The Male Multiple Orgasm
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Subscribers only Introduction
A general introduction to who I am and the course and what is possible with men's sexuality
Subscribers only The Basics
An overview of the basics of explosive vs implosive orgasms and energy movement related to sexuality.
Subscribers only The Chakras
An overview of the Chakras and their location and qualities.
Subscribers only Opening Up the Energy System
What blocks or slows down our energy system. And How to open it up again.
Subscribers only The Microcosmic Orbit
Exercise ~ The Taoist way of circulating the energy through you body and energy system
Subscribers only Changing Your Mind
Exercise ~ The Mind is the most important sexual organ of the body, when we can heal that usually the rest will fall into place automatically.
Subscribers only Reprogramming the Unconscious Mind
How to train the mind to separate Orgasm from Ejaculation
Subscribers only Rebirthing Breathwork
Exercise ~ How can you use Breathwork to open to sexual energy
Subscribers only Toning the Pelvic Floor ~ The Kegels
Exercise ~ Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles gives many benefits.
Subscribers only Goal, Surrender & Time
A few different points to take on board, on this journey.
Subscribers only The Uddhiyana Bhanda
Exercise ~ How The Uddhiyana Bhanda can help to retrain your energy system to move the energy upwards.
Subscribers only What are you Focusing On?
What you focus on, you will activate and strengthen.
Subscribers only The Training
Exercise ~ Time to put into practice all the theory, and exercises.
Subscribers only The hormones
How we make love dramatically effects various hormones in our body. This has a huge long term effect on our sex lives and relationships
Subscribers only ED Medication & T boosters
A brief look at Erectile Disfunction meds and a little tip and Testosterone boosting supplements.