
It is good to read the text in each lesson as well as the video as sometimes there may be some extra things I thought of after having made the video.  Also I am aware this is 'a work in progress'.  So new content will be added to all courses and old content will be upgraded from time to time.  So check in and see what's new.

Sexuality, if done right can be one of the most powerfully connecting, heart opening, elevating and pleasurable experiences a human can have.  
However if done badly, it can sometimes be one of the most disconnecting, depressing, soul destroying and painful experiences a human can have.  The problem is no one teaches man how to do it right!  Porn doesn't teach us much and often teaches us the wrong things, because Porn is made by men, not women.  So where do we learn to do things right, in a way that gives maximum pleasure to both parties.  This is what I am trying to do here.  Some of what I teach here may be obvious to some of you.  But I hope this information can set you on a new sexual path that bring you to a place of deeper satisfaction for you and your partner.    Love Edward

Subscribers only


The Male Multiple Orgasm ~
A Tantric Journey for men
Some of you may be aware that it is possible for men to orgasm without ejaculating, there by becoming multi-orgasmic. In this 15 episode video course, we will explore the science of how this works and what you can do to make this your regular experience. The nervous system that produces Orgasm and that which causes ejaculation are different, so therefore it is possible to separate the two. There are many different factors that either enable it, or get in the way of being Multi-Orgasmic. In this workshop I will go into each of these in detail and looking at what practices and changes can be done to train yourself on this journey.

15 Lessons - Not started

Subscribers only


After I finished making the the Male Multiple Orgasm course, I realised that I was only sharing half the story. How to help your partner become multi-orgasmic was the other half.
So in this course I will explain what a man can do to help his partner to open up and not only become multi-orgasmic, but to experience deeper Cervical Orgasms(the 'Holy Grail' of woman's orgasms)too.
It is important to go through the Male Multiple Orgasm course FIRST, as many of the basic principles are the same for Men & Women, and I have not repeated it again here.

"I wish I has know these sexual secrets when I was younger, my sexual encounters would have been much more fulfilling for both me and my partners".

Apologies for the delay in adding more content to this course. Life has kept me busy with in-person work. There will be more written and video lessons coming October/November 2022

7 Lessons - Not started

Subscribers only


This section is for useful links or articles and videos I have found. I you have founds something to add here by all means message me with the link.

2 Lessons - Not started

Subscribers only


If you have any questions on what is taught or something I have not spoken about, I am happy to answer if I can.
There will be both video and written answers to common questions from both courses posted here soon.

1 Lesson - Not started
