A straight forward 14 episode course on the different steps on how men can become multi-orgasmic,
that is to be able to have full body orgasms without ejaculating.
Click here or scroll down to find out more
How can this course help you?
Orgasm again & again
Wouldn't it be great to be able to orgasm again and again without ejaculating or needing to stop and rest, during a single love-making session.
I will go into lots detail to show you how!
Satisfy your Partner
The amount of time it takes for men & women to reach orgasm is often very different, so often women don't reach orgasm, by the time the man has finished. Would you like to change that?
Confidence in the Bedroom
Knowing you can keep going for as long as you want to, and satisfy your partner for as long as she needs you to, brings a huge feeling of satisfaction and confidence boost in the bedroom!
Bond between you & Partner
How does it feel once we ejaculate? Our energy and desire to connect is usually lost. When we orgasm without ejaculation, that energy and connection remains strong! This is how relationships last.
Increase Vitality
When we no longer dissipate our sexual energy through ejaculation, then there is a huge boost to our energy and vitality with both sexuality and with every other aspect of our lives.
Course 1 ~
Tantra for Men
The Male Multiple-0rgasm
Some of you may be aware that it is possible for men to orgasm without ejaculating, there by becoming multi-orgasmic. Or may be you have never heard of it before. I am telling you that it IS POSSIBLE for everyone! In this 15 episode video course, we will explore the science of how this works and what you can do to make this your regular experience. Although many of the principles are the same for men and women, this course specifically focuses on the Male aspects of becoming Multi-Orgasmic. The nervous system that produces Orgasm and that which causes ejaculation are different, so therefore it is possible to separate the two. There are many different factors that either enable it, or get in the way of being Multi-Orgasmic. In this course we will go into each of these in detail and looking at what practices and changes can be done to train yourself on this journey. I will be sharing my extensive knowledge in this area and there will also be a number of exercises to reprogram the mind and open up the energy system to enable this to happen.
If you have any questions feel free to ask, I will respond personally as soon as I can. See the form at the bottom.

Course 2 ~
Sexual Secrets All Men Should Know
This course is still under construction, but is included in the price for now
After I finished making the Male Multiple Orgasm course, I realised that I was only sharing half the story. How to help your partner become multi-orgasmic was the other half.
So in this course I will explain what you can do to help your partner to open up and become multi-orgasmic, to experience deeper Cervical Orgasms (the 'Holy Grail' of woman's orgasms) too.
I explain how/why a woman becomes closed off to these deeper internal orgasms. We will also look at what you can do to help your partner open up again to this.
There will be fun play, tips, tricks and exercises too.
"I wish I has know these sexual secrets when I was younger, my sexual encounters would have been much more fulfilling for both me and my partners".

Who is Edward Matthews?
Edward has been on a personal spiritual journey for more than 30 years. Exploring: Meditation, Non-Duality, Tantra, Taoism, Past life Regression, Hypnotherapy, Massage, Healing and many other aspects of Spirituality. He spent a lot of time on a spiritual journey in India and moved to Thailand in 2005. Edward trained in Rebirthing Breathwork with the founder of Rebirthing, Leonard Orr in 2013.
Edward first explored the Taoist sexual practices more than 25 years ago. Then 10 years ago he began exploring the practices of Tantra, and soon after experienced his first orgasm without ejaculation. A year and a half later, after much trial & error, it became his regular experience. Around 5 years ago Edward started co-hosting 2 & 3 day Tantric Breathwork workshops and 6 day Breathwork retreats. These video courses are based largely on his personal experience, but also includes teachings of Taoist and Tantric sexual practices.
Sometimes it takes an older experienced man to teach the younger generation some secrets. I wish someone had taught me this stuff when I was younger!
This is my mission
It always saddens me that I often I hear that woman don't have such good sexual experiences with men. Understand, this is not usually the man's fault, because no one at schools or almost anywhere, teaches men how to make love to a woman properly. What closes her down, what opens her up. Most men just don't know. So here, I am trying change that. I am trying to teach men how to open a woman up to much deeper more powerful sexual experiences. Also at the same time trying to teach men how to have amazing multiple orgasms without ejaculating, and have that again and again. Having this, without losing vital sexual energy, which leaves them drained and exhausted and often disinterested in their partners or sex afterwards.
Here is a recent video I made for YouTube that says a little more about this subject and the course